I don’t mean this literally (in this post), but poop happens in training. It seems that has been the theme of training since I got back from Kona. It has been a pseudo-easy week since some of my training has been hampered by mechanicals and silly miscues on my part. Thank goodness it is still January. I did have the best January week ever in Kona last week to make up for all the poop this week. However, about the poop:
The best was Wednesday when I went to ride on the trainer with JZ and Shane. I got there a bit late, but no worries as I had an easy ride to do anyways, 2 hours moderate. After I completely set-up my bike and trainer and with bike clothes on, I realized no shoes! Insert curse words! Thankfully, I live close, so I raced home to get my shoes (and my PT computer, since I forgot that, as well). I got back to JZ’s house, now looking at only a 90 min ride. Three minutes even into the ride, pop…PSST! Seriously rear tire, trainer flat. Insert more curse words and hilarious laughter, meanwhile JZ and Shane look on in disbelief. I change the tube, now looking at an 80 min ride; I put the bike back on the trainer. For some reason I then looked up something on the nearby computer for Shane. I get back to the bike, rear tire flatted again (very quick “leaker”). Insert more curse words, more laughter, and more disbelief from my training partners. At this point, I picked up my bike and went home. The evening was then spent at the gym and night snowshoe racing to over come frustrations.
I hate to do this, but sometimes poop happens. I have learned since training for my first ironman in the winter of 2005 to be flexible in my early season training. Poopy things happening seems to be the norm when weather and conditions are changing, the gym pool has a heater malfunction, or travel problems affect workouts. As I have told my athletes, you can’t make-up workouts. Therefore this time of year, I am always telling myself and my athletes, it is okay. You will get through this weird time period, poop happens, and it’s only January.
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